Making Your Dental Veneers Last

Dental Implants in Chicago

If you have any cosmetic issues that are causing you embarrassment, porcelain veneers can be the ideal solution. It’s important, however, to make sure that you take proper care of your veneers to ensure that they stand you in good stead for many years.

As durable as your porcelain veneers will be, there are still some simple steps you can take to reduce the risk of damaging them. If you engage in sports or any other high-energy outdoor activity, wear a mouth guard to protect your teeth. If you find yourself grinding your teeth, talk to your dentist about finding a viable treatment. Remember that veneers won’t protect your teeth from bacteria or plaque, so it’s important to keep up your daily brushing and flossing routine.

If you’d like to learn more about dental veneers, it’s time to contact the team at University Associates in Dentistry. We offer a wide range of essential services to help you protect your oral health. You can find out more about us by calling (312) 704-5511.

What to Expect from the All-on-4 Procedure

Dental Implants in Chicago

dental implants Chicago

The older you get, the more likely you are to confront the problem of missing teeth. Many people, however, assume that the process of replacing multiple missing teeth will be prohibitively difficult or painful. In fact, you can replace all of your upper or lower teeth using only four dental implants. Here is what you need to know about the All-on-4 procedure .

What is the All-on-4 procedure? First used in 1993, the trademarked All-on-4 procedure enables your dentist to replace an entire arch of teeth with four implants. The implants are made of strong, durable material that is designed to last patients for a lifetime. It is a simple and straightforward procedure that provides you with new, functional teeth immediately.

How do I know if I am a good candidate for the All-on-4 procedure? The All-on-4 procedure is often recommended for patients who have extensive tooth decay, or who need a viable solution for past dental treatments such as bridges that have failed. When you contact University Associates in Dentistry, we’ll use a CT scan and photos to give you a detailed idea of how the surgical procedure will go. If you are satisfied, we will schedule your procedure.

What happens during the All-on-4 procedure? When you come in for your appointment, your dentist will place your new implants and provide you with a set of temporary teeth. You’re temporary will look and function like your real teeth, as well as allow the dentist to monitor you while you are healing and the implants are taking hold. In a few months’ time, once your implants have healed, our team will replace your temporary teeth with a set of permanent teeth. These teeth will look and function just like your natural teeth.

If you’re looking for a permanent solution to your dental issues, it’s time to meet with the experienced dentists at University Associates in Dentistry. We are proud to provide the Chicago area with exceptional dental care, from dental implants to sleep apnea treatment. To schedule a consultation today, call us at (312) 704-5511.

Looking at the Link Between Periodontal Disease and Heart Disease

Dental Implants in Chicago

Periodontal disease and heart disease come with their own symptoms and concerns , but they can both seriously impact your quality of life. It turns out that the 2 conditions are also linked in ways that you might not have realized, making a trip to the dentist even more important. Continue reading and look at the link between these diseases.

Periodontal Disease
You might not think that your dentist could have anything to do with your heart, but you might be wrong. Periodontal disease occurs when a buildup of contaminants makes its way above or below the gum line. This often happens when people stop regularly brushing, flossing, and seeing their dentists. The gums become red, sensitive, and inflamed, and may recede from the teeth, leading to tooth loss. You should talk to your dentist as soon as you notice any symptoms of gum disease.

Heart Disease
Conditions of the heart tend to be genetic, but there are ways you can reduce your risk for heart disease. This is good news because this disease is known to top the list of health conditions that kill Americans. Heart disease comes in several different forms, but they all typically include chest pain as a symptom. Although chest pain isn’t usually associated with oral health issues, there may be some overlap between periodontal disease and heart disease.

The Link
One thing that periodontal disease and heart disease have in common is inflammation. The gums become inflamed when plaque and tartar build up on the teeth, and this inflammation could make it more difficult for blood to get to the heart. Since there are so many blood vessels in the gums, the bacteria from your mouth may travel to your heart, making you more susceptible to heart disease.

Taking care of your oral health might reduce your chances for serious conditions like heart disease, so call University Associates in Dentistry at (312) 704-5511. We can replace your missing teeth and we also offer porcelain veneers and Invisalign near Chicago, so visit our website for a closer look at our services.

The Link Between Acidic Foods and Your Dental Health

Dental Implants in Chicago

The Link Between Acidic Foods and Your Dental Health

Taking care of your oral health has many facets to it, and your nutrition is an important one. Acidic foods can have a negative impact on your teeth, but you can protect yourself by knowing what you should and shouldn’t eat. You can also work with your dentist to minimize the damage and maintain your beautiful smile. Here’s a look at the link between acidic foods and dental health.

What’s Going On

Certain types of foods and beverages are more acidic than others, and the acids in these products can wear away your tooth enamel. Any acidic food debris left on your enamel can trigger demineralization, which can make your teeth more sensitive. The more demineralization occurs, the closer your dentin will get to being exposed. Remember that brushing your teeth immediately after eating acidic foods can be counterproductive, so drink some water and wait a few minutes before you brush your teeth after a meal.

Which Foods to Be Careful With

If you’re looking to modify your diet so you can keep your dentist happy and your teeth healthy, you should know what foods to stay away from. Ketchup, hot sauce, and products made with tomatoes are acidic, as are lemons, limes, and oranges. Wine and coffee can also wear away at your enamel and cause sensitivity and discomfort. Enjoy these foods, but try to eat them in moderation.

What You Can Do

You don’t have to avoid these foods entirely in order to take care of your oral health. Foods like citrus fruits and berries can be good for you, so you might want to keep them in your diet. Remember to drink water while you eat these types of foods and let your saliva clean out the acidity. Visiting your dentist for regular cleanings can also help to keep you healthy.

In addition to avoiding (or at least cutting back) certain types of foods and drinking plenty of water, be sure to visit your dentist in Chicago on a routine basis. Don’t forget to call University Associates in Dentistry at (312) 704-5511 whenever you are in need of teeth bonding, periodontics, or Invisalign, or stop by our offices to meet with us.

University Associates in Dentistry