A Look at Single Tooth Dental Implants

Dental Implants in Chicago

Dental implants are a better alternative to many options for tooth replacement. An implant replaces both the lost natural tooth and its root. Implants look and act as natural functioning teeth. One implant and a crown can replace a single missing tooth without damaging or threating the health of neighboring teeth. Read on to learn more about single tooth dental implants.

Tooth implant

Keep Surrounding Teeth Healthy
A common treatment for single tooth loss is the installation of a tooth-supported fixed bridge. Adjacent teeth must be ground down to support the cemented bridge. Alterations to neighboring teeth aren’t necessary with a dental implant. An implant will replace the tooth root, which aids in preserving the bone. Implants integrate with the jawbone, helping to keep it healthy and intact. When a bridge is used, the bone that used to surround the tooth deteriorates.

Easily Maintain Cleanliness
Long-term, a  single implant  is more aesthetically pleasing than other tooth replacement options. Gums can recede around a bridge, exposing the bridge’s metal base and collar. This defect is highly visible. Resorbed bone underneath the bridge can lead to an unattractive smile. Dental implants are also easier to keep clean than a bridge. The cement holding a bridge in place can wash away. This allows bacteria to collect and causes the adjacent teeth that are anchoring the bridge to decay.

Procedure Details
The first step in the implant procedure is to place the implant, which looks like a screw, into the jaw. It takes from two to six months for the implant and the bone to bond together and form an anchor for the artificial tooth. A temporary tooth can be worn over the implant site during this time. The second step of the procedure is to uncover the implant and attach an extension, or temporary healing cap. This completes the foundation on which the new tooth will be placed. After this, the gums are given a couple of weeks to heal, and then a replacement tooth, or crown, will be created and attached. 

University Associates in Dentistry  serves the Chicago area as a leader in placing dental implants. We also provide cosmetic dentistry, permanent denture replacement, restorative dentistry, and more. If you are in need of a single tooth replacement or any other dental procedure, give us a call at (312) 704-5511 to make an appointment.

The Connection Between Periodontal Disease and Diabetes

Dental Implants in Chicago

It has been estimated that as many as half of all Americans may suffer from some degree of periodontal disease, a progressive inflammation of the gums . If you have diabetes, you should be particularly careful about having your teeth and gums checked by your dentist on a regular basis, since statistics show that people with diabetes are more likely to contract periodontal disease.

There are a number of reasons why diabetes can raise a person’s risk of periodontal disease. It is believed that diabetes interferes with the immune system and makes a person more vulnerable to infections. Mouth wounds also take longer to heal for people who have diabetes, which can exacerbate mouth infections and make gum disease more likely.

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If you are interested in learning more about how to prevent gum disease, contact the experienced dentists at University Associates in Dentistry in Chicago. We pride ourselves on offering a comfortable atmosphere, state-of-the-art techniques, and patient-friendly care. You can  visit our website  for more information, or call (312) 704-5511 to schedule an appointment. 

The Process of Getting Dental Implants

Dental Implants in Chicago

A dental implant is a permanent tooth replacement that both looks and functions the same as a natural tooth. If you have lost a tooth, getting a dental implant at your dentist’s office will help you keep your smile looking great and protect you against potential infections, bone loss, and receding gums. Here is a closer look at how your dentist will place your dental implant.

Capped dental Implant Model

First, your dentist will determine whether you are a suitable candidate for dental implants. If you are in good overall health, you are likely to be a good candidate. Your gums and teeth should also be in good condition; any chronic issues such as periodontal disease could interfere with the stability of your implant. After determining your suitability, your dental team will put together a treatment plan that is targeted to your needs as an individual.

When you are ready to  receive the implant , your dentist will place the root of your new tooth directly into the socket of your jawbone. Then, you will need to wait for the bone to heal and secure the implant, which usually takes about 6-12 weeks. When the bonding process is complete, your dentist will attach an abutment and crown—which has been designed to look like your other teeth—will be placed.

Your new tooth is now complete; with the proper care, it should last you for a lifetime. Problems are rare; if you are experiencing any pain after the procedure, you can use an over-the-counter pain medication.

If you are in need of a dental implant, you can depend on the professionals at  University Associates in Dentistry . We offer top-quality implants from Nobel Biocare, and we use local anesthetics to ensure a comfortable patient experience. To get started, visit us online or call our Chicago office today at (312) 704-5511. 

Reasons to Improve Your Dental Health

Dental Implants in Chicago

If you were quizzed on your knowledge of good dental hygiene , how do you think you would fare? According to a recent survey by the American Dental Association, most Americans lack any understanding of some of the most basic ways to maintain good dental health. For instance, approximately 60 percent of respondents were unaware that oral infections can be spread by way of sharing cups, forks, and spoons. To learn more about what the survey found, watch this video.

At University Associates in Dentistry, we provide a wide range of essential dental services to patients in the Chicago area, including  cosmetic and restorative dentistry . To set up an appointment today, call us at (312) 704-5511. 

University Associates in Dentistry