Foods and Beverages: The Best and Worst Options for Your Teeth [INFOGRAPHIC]

Dental Implants in Chicago

Everyone wants to have a beautiful smile full of healthy, white teeth. In addition making routine visits to your dentist in Chicago , you should practice good at-home oral care. Brush your teeth twice per day and floss every day for a cleaner, healthier mouth. Don’t forget to pay attention to what you eat and drink, as what you consume can have a significant impact on your oral health. Choose crunchy vegetables instead of starchy chips or crackers when you want a snack, and opt for fluoridated water over sodas which can damage the enamel of your teeth. Foods high in calcium, such as cheese and milk, can help re-mineralize your teeth for a stronger, healthier smile. Check out this infographic to learn more about what foods to eat and what to avoid for your dental health. Please share with your friends and family.

The Link Between Smoking and Your Oral Health

Dental Implants in Chicago

The Link Between Smoking and Your Oral Health

Smoking has been linked to a variety of serious oral health conditions. When you go to this site , you will take a brief look at the link between smoking and your oral health. By quitting smoking, you can reduce your risk of oral cancer, periodontal disease, and tooth discoloration. Your dentist can provide you with additional details about the affect that smoking has on your teeth and smile.

When you are seeking a reputable dentist in Chicago , look no further than University Associates in Dentistry. Whether you need a general dentist or a cosmetic dentist that can provide you with dental implants, you will be able to schedule your procedure at our office. Give us a call at (312) 704-5511 to make your next dental appointment today.

How to Prepare for Your Dental Implant Procedure

Dental Implants in Chicago

When you receive dental implants , your implants will be placed during a surgical procedure. Like any other type of surgery, a dental implant procedure requires special preparation on behalf of the patient. Your dentist can provide you with a detailed list of procedures to follow in the days and hours leading up to your appointment. Here is a review of some steps that you can take to get ready for your dental implants.

Meet With Your Dentist

The first step of preparing for a dental implant procedure is to schedule a dental consultation. During the consultation, your dentist can answer any questions that you may have about what you can expect when you receive implants. Your dentist will also inquire about your medical history and any other considerations that need to be taken into account before you receive your implants.

Stock Up on Soft Foods

During the first few days after your dental implant procedure, you will need to make sure that you eat mild, soft foods. To get ready to receive your dental implants, you can stock up on appropriate recovery foods, such as yogurt, mild cheese, eggs, fish and soup. Having these foods around will allow you to recover gently and comfortably.

University Associates in Dentistry, Dr Russell Baer , provides dental implants in Chicago and trains dentists and oral surgeons all over the world in implantology. When you are seeking beautiful and comfortable dental implants that will last a lifetime, be sure to book your services with our team. Give us a call at (312) 704-5511 to learn more about our permanent dental implants .

What to Ask Your Dentist About Dental Implants

Dental Implants in Chicago

If you have missing teeth, your dentist may recommend implants. Dental implants replace lost teeth permanently and look and feel like natural teeth. Could implants be the right solution for you? During your dental consultation, ask these questions about implants to help you fully understand your options.

How do dental implants work?

Teeth implants are anchored in your jaw with a metal post that acts as an artificial root. This post fuses with your jawbone so that it is held securely in place. Once that fusion has occurred, in a process called osseointegration, a crown is attached to the post via an abutment screw that holds in place. Because dental implants are supported by the artificial root, rather than neighboring teeth, they don’t compromise the health of your natural teeth. They can be used to replace one tooth or an entire mouth of missing teeth.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

Although dental implants aren’t the only solution to missing teeth, they do have many benefits. In addition to protecting your natural teeth, dental implants don’t cause the same kind of gum and soft tissue irritation that dentures can. They don’t require any special care like dentures, and you don’t have to make any adjustments to your diet. Many people like dental implants because they don’t have to worry about them slipping. Additionally, dental implants can be manufactured to match the shape, color, and size of your healthy teeth, so they look natural.

Who is a good candidate for dental implants?

To get dental implants, you need a sufficient amount of jawbone to support the implant or be able to undergo bone grafting. You must also be willing to go through the process of getting dental implants, which is lengthier than getting dentures. Your dentist will help you determine what kind of tooth restoration treatment is right for you.

University Associates of Dentistry specializes in dental implants in Chicago and can help you take the first step towards improving your smile with a consultation to see if implants are right for you. Find out more about dental implants and all of our services by calling (312) 704-5511.

Tips for Preventing Gum Disease

Dental Implants in Chicago

Gum disease causes pain, bleeding, tooth loss , and a range of systemic health problems. If you want to reduce your risk of everything from missing teeth to heart disease, then it makes sense to take steps to prevent gum disease. Take a bite out of your risk for gum disease with these tips.

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

The best way to prevent gum disease is also the easiest—maintain good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth at least twice per day and floss at least once. Doing so removes the plaque and bacteria that collect on your teeth and increase your chances of gum disease. At your dental consultation, your provider can tell you if you need to brush and floss more regularly or if you should add a mouthwash or other rinse to your routine. He or she can also demonstrate the best ways to brush and floss and recommend the right toothbrush and toothpaste for you.

Control Chronic Health Conditions

Just as gum disease can impact other parts of your body, other disease you have could increase your chances for gum disease. One particularly common culprit is diabetes. If you have diabetes, controlling your blood glucose levels can reduce your chances of gum disease, while not following your treatment plan could put your gums at risk. Make sure your dentist knows about all of your health conditions, and ask for advice on how your health could influence your chance of gum disease.

See Your Dentist Regularly

Brushing and flossing removes a large amount of plaque and bacteria, but inevitably, some is left behind. That turns into a hard substance called tartar that can only be removed during a professional dental cleaning. Your dentist can also recognize signs of gum disease in its early stages, when it is easier to treat. See your dentist every six months, or more often, if he or she recommends it.

At University Associates in Dentistry, we’re committed to helping you maintain good oral health. We offer a multitude of specialties under one roof, including general dentistry and cosmetic dentistry in Chicago. To make an appointment, call (312) 704-5511.

University Associates in Dentistry