3 Habits That Could Be Damaging Your Smile

Dental Implants in Chicago

bad habits for your teeth

Your teeth are much more fragile than they might seem. If you aren’t careful to avoid unwise oral care habits, you can end up doing serious damage to your smile. If you’ve had restoration work done in the past, these bad habits can be especially destructive. Here are some common habits that you should try to steer clear of if you want to protect your teeth:

Drinking Too Many Sugary Beverages
When you drink a sugary beverage such as soda or even juice, some of the sugar is likely to remain on your teeth. As the bacteria in your mouth consume the sugar, they leave behind acids that gradually erode the enamel of your teeth. Over time, the acids can lead to tooth decay. While regular brushing will help to reduce your risk of cavities, it’s also important to cut back on your sugar consumption if you want to maintain good oral health.

Brushing Your Teeth Too Hard
Everybody knows that you’re supposed to brush your teeth at least twice a day. But if you brush too hard, you might end up counteracting the positive effects of brushing by wearing down your enamel, which weakens your teeth. Brushing too hard can even lead to gum recession, which makes you more vulnerable to periodontal disease. To avoid this, buy a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush using a gentle, circular motion.

Brushing Right After Eating
Many people have heard that they should brush immediately after they eat, but that’s not exactly true. In fact, brushing too quickly after you eat food with acids in it can actually do damage to your enamel. To be safe, you should always wait at least 30 minutes after eating most types of food before brushing. However, it’s still fine to floss right after eating.

Whether you require treatment for sleep apnea, scaling and root planning to treat periodontal disease, or restorative procedures for misaligned teeth, you can find the exceptional dental care you deserve at University Associates in Dentistry. To request a consultation at our office in Chicago, call (312) 704-5511.

What Dentists Want You to Know About Chemotherapy

Dental Implants in Chicago

chemotherapy and the dentist chicago Chemotherapy can be a lifesaver. It can also cause serious, unintended consequences, like a suppressed immune system, severe nausea, and weight loss. These effects are well-known, but what many cancer patients don’t realize is that chemo can also adversely affect oral health. If you’re expecting to undergo chemo, you’ve already receiving it, or you’re anticipating radiation therapy to the head region, talk to a dentist as soon as possible.

Visiting Your Dentist
During your dental consultation, provide as much information as you can about your medical condition and the drugs you’ll be taking. The dentist will examine your X-rays, and the hygienist will thoroughly clean your teeth. A professional cleaning is important because it curbs problems like gum disease. When your immune system is suppressed during chemotherapy , you’ll be more susceptible to illnesses, and bacteria from infections in your mouth can enter your bloodstream and make you sick. If you have any other oral health problems, you’ll receive appropriate treatment for them. Your dentist will also help you learn how to care for your mouth during chemo.

Watching Out for Side Effects
Chemo doesn’t affect every patient the same way. You may not experience all of the following side effects, and it’s possible that you won’t experience any of them. But you should be familiar with the side effects, just in case.

  • Dry mouth
  • Changes in taste
  • Infections
  • Painful mouth and gums
  • Swelling or peeling of the tongue
  • Burning sensations of the tongue

Caring for Your Mouth
Inspect your mouth every day. Become familiar with how it should look, and notice whether there are any unusual changes. If your mouth becomes sensitive, use an extra soft toothbrush and waxed floss, and brush very gently. Choose mouthwash without alcohol. Fight dry mouth by sipping water frequently and chewing sugarless gum. When your mouth hurts, choose soft foods that don’t require a lot of work to chew and swallow.

At University Associates in Dentistry, the well-being and safety of our patients are our top priorities. We provide compassionate, personalized care to meet the sensitive needs of patients with other serious health issues. Call us at (312) 704-5511 to request a prompt appointment with a general dentist in Chicago.

Is Sparkling Water Actually Good for You?

Dental Implants in Chicago

There’s been a bit of a debate in recent years about whether sparkling water harms more than it helps. Proponents say the fizzy, zero-calorie drink helps them avoid sugary soda and fruit juices, but critics claim sparkling water can cause bloating, heartburn, and tooth damage. So who’s right? You can watch this featured video to find out, or ask your dentist.

The suggestion that sparkling water can erode the enamel of the teeth is based on the fact that it has a lower pH than tap or spring water. It’s the acidity that can harm the teeth. However, dentists say that seltzer water is still a much healthier alternative to soda and fruit juice, and the pH is not substantially lower than regular water.

University Associates in Dentistry offers comprehensive dental consultations in Chicago for patients in need of cosmetic dentistry or general dentistry . Call (312) 704-5511 to schedule your appointment.

The Patient’s Guide to CEREC

Dental Implants in Chicago

dental implants Chicago

CEREC is to dental restorations what fire was to cavemen. This advanced technology opens up incredible opportunities for patients with cavities or a less-than-perfect smile. If your dentist offers CEREC in his or her office, you can receive your dental restorations in just one appointment—no more waiting for impressions to be sent to an off-site lab. CEREC has applications for both cosmetic and general dentistry.


CEREC is an acronym for chairside economical restorations of esthetic ceramic .

  • Chairside: The fabrication of the restoration is done in-office, while the patient is in the treatment room.
  • Economical: It’s cost-effective dental technology for patients.
  • Restorations: CEREC restores your teeth to its full strength and function. CEREC also restores the beauty of a natural smile.
  • Esthetic: CEREC restorations are never made from silver amalgam, like traditional fillings. They are tooth-colored for a more pleasing appearance.
  • Ceramic: CEREC restorations are made from high-strength ceramic to mimic the composition of a natural tooth.

CEREC is incredibly innovative technology. Surprisingly, many dentists still don’t offer this service. CEREC has also proven to be tough to improve upon. It’s still the only chairside CAD/CAM restoration system available for dental practices.

CEREC Technology

The CEREC system includes a medical-grade computer and a special camera. After your dentist has prepared your tooth for its restoration, he or she takes a picture of it with the camera. This replaces the conventional dental impression. The computer uses the picture to create a 3D model of the tooth, which your dentist can refine before sending the information to the milling unit.



CEREC technology is known for producing flawless dental crowns, but it can also give patients new onlays and veneers—all in just one visit! Patients commonly need dental crowns after undergoing a root canal. They’re also used to cap permanent dental implants. Dental onlays are useful when the dentist needs to remove an old filling, either for functional or aesthetic reasons. Lastly, CEREC can fabricate beautiful dental veneers, which are thin facades that bond to the visible sides of the teeth. Veneers can cover up a range of imperfections—from stubborn stains to chips and cracks.

You’ll find the latest advances in dental technology at University Associates in Dentistry. During your dental consultation in our Chicago office, we’ll discuss whether CEREC, laser dentistry, digital x-rays, or CT scans could benefit your oral health. Get in touch at (312) 704-5511.

Why Your Dentist May Use CT Scans in Your Treatment Care Plan

Dental Implants in Chicago

Dentist Chicago

At University Associates in Dentistry, we are proud to use innovative treatment technologies in our offices. When creating a treatment plan with your dentist, he or she may recommend that you receive a CT scan. CT scans are used for patients that are in need of advanced imaging for certain oral health conditions; such as dental implants, TMJ treatments, or other advanced dental procedure. CT scans can provide your dentist with a clear picture of the anatomy that will help create the smile you desire.

If you are seeking dental implants in Chicago, you can trust the staff at University Associates In Dentistry to provide you with top quality care. We specialize in permanent dental implants, and we will use the latest instruments/tools and techniques to perform your cosmetic dentistry services. To make an appointment for an initial consultation, or to learn about the benefits of teeth implants, call us at (312) 704-5511.

How Important Are Dentist Checkups?

Dental Implants in Chicago

You’ve been told your whole life that you should see your dentist regularly, but do you know why? Watch this video to find out how important dentist checkups really are.

Dentist checkups aren’t just for addressing existing problems—they’re also for preventing issues from occurring. Not all oral health issues come with symptoms, but your dentist knows what to look for. The good news is that today’s dental checkups shouldn’t hurt or cause any discomfort. It’s better to undergo smaller procedures before a problem is allowed to develop, as more serious problems will require more expensive, invasive treatments. Seeing your dentist regularly can help keep your smile happy and healthy.

You can find out why visiting the dentist in Chicago is so important by calling University Associates in Dentistry at (312) 704-5511 or visiting our website. Our team of cosmetic dentistry professionals can offer treatments like teeth whitening and porcelain veneers.

The Link Between Acidic Foods and Your Dental Health

Dental Implants in Chicago

The Link Between Acidic Foods and Your Dental Health

Taking care of your oral health has many facets to it, and your nutrition is an important one. Acidic foods can have a negative impact on your teeth, but you can protect yourself by knowing what you should and shouldn’t eat. You can also work with your dentist to minimize the damage and maintain your beautiful smile. Here’s a look at the link between acidic foods and dental health.

What’s Going On

Certain types of foods and beverages are more acidic than others, and the acids in these products can wear away your tooth enamel. Any acidic food debris left on your enamel can trigger demineralization, which can make your teeth more sensitive. The more demineralization occurs, the closer your dentin will get to being exposed. Remember that brushing your teeth immediately after eating acidic foods can be counterproductive, so drink some water and wait a few minutes before you brush your teeth after a meal.

Which Foods to Be Careful With

If you’re looking to modify your diet so you can keep your dentist happy and your teeth healthy, you should know what foods to stay away from. Ketchup, hot sauce, and products made with tomatoes are acidic, as are lemons, limes, and oranges. Wine and coffee can also wear away at your enamel and cause sensitivity and discomfort. Enjoy these foods, but try to eat them in moderation.

What You Can Do

You don’t have to avoid these foods entirely in order to take care of your oral health. Foods like citrus fruits and berries can be good for you, so you might want to keep them in your diet. Remember to drink water while you eat these types of foods and let your saliva clean out the acidity. Visiting your dentist for regular cleanings can also help to keep you healthy.

In addition to avoiding (or at least cutting back) certain types of foods and drinking plenty of water, be sure to visit your dentist in Chicago on a routine basis. Don’t forget to call University Associates in Dentistry at (312) 704-5511 whenever you are in need of teeth bonding, periodontics, or Invisalign, or stop by our offices to meet with us.

Recognizing the Importance of Dental Consultations

Dental Implants in Chicago

dentist chicago

Dental consultations are different from dental checkups and cleanings. If you have a concern or question about your dental health or a procedure, then you can schedule a complimentary dental consultation with your dentist. This appointment is a personal meeting to ensure that you are completely informed of your options. Continue reading to see why dental consultations are important.

You can ask questions.
If you have questions about dental procedures, your dental health or dental care, then a consultation is the best way to have them answered. A dental consultation is focused on providing as much information for you to make an informed decision about your dental care. During your consultation, your dentist will provide answers, but he will also ask leading questions to understand your concerns. This is a necessary interaction to ensure that you can receive the best and most comprehensive care.

You can learn about procedures.
You can learn about all of the available procedures to address your concerns during your dental consultation. For example, you may think that missing teeth cannot be fixed, but you will find out about dental crowns, teeth implants, and dental bridges during a consultation. There are several procedures that can address a multitude of dental concerns, so book a dental consultation soon to find out which procedure is right for you.

You can receive dental care tips.
Another crucial element of a dental consultation is learning more about at-home dental care. Your dentist can give you different resources, products, and strategies to address your daily dental care. For example, your dentist can show you the proper way to brush and floss your teeth to ensure that your teeth are healthy. Your dentist may also have samples of toothpastes or mouthwashes that you can try. These care tips and samples are necessary to keep your teeth strong and your gums healthy.

Call University Associates in Dentistry at (312) 704-5511 to book a complimentary dental consultation in Chicago. Our dentists are dedicated to giving you the most up-to-date information and care to address your concerns.

Reducing Your Risk of Tooth Loss

Dental Implants in Chicago

Tooth loss takes away from your oral health and can bring down your confidence, but it is not unavoidable. As long as you find the right dentist and take care of your oral and general health on your own, you can combat tooth loss. Here are a few tips to help you reduce your risk of tooth loss .

Choose the Right Dentist

You have probably been told countless times that you need to visit your dentist in order to keep your smile full and beautiful for the rest of your life. However, many people still fail to set or make it to their appointments. This problem may stem from a wealth of different factors, but one is the relationship between the patient and the dentist. Find a dentist that you get along with; you should feel comfortable and cared for in the office, and treatments should never be made to seem scary. The right dentist will give you the advice and treatments you need to keep your teeth where they belong.

Practice In-Home Dental Hygiene

You need to practice proper dental hygiene even when you are not with your dentist. If you want to keep your natural teeth for life, make sure you brush your teeth twice each day. You should also floss around every single tooth once per day to dislodge trapped food debris and bacteria, which will help to prevent gum recession and tooth loss.

Stay Healthy

In order to keep your natural teeth and enjoy your oral health, you will need to take care of the rest of your body as well. Your oral and general health are intimately linked, so make sure you eat a balanced diet and stay away from tobacco and alcohol abuse. These steps are key to combatting tooth loss.

Are you worried about your risk of tooth loss? Call the team at University Associates in Dentistry at (312) 704-5511. We are eager to keep you in great oral health by providing quality cosmetic and general dentistry in Chicago. If you are interested in learning more about our porcelain veneers, periodontics, or dental implants, visit our website today.

Surprising Ways Cosmetic Dentistry Can Change Your Life

Dental Implants in Chicago

Surprising Ways Cosmetic Dentistry Can Change Your Life

Everybody needs a change once in a while, and cosmetic dentistry might be just what you’re looking for. Whether you are looking to address chipped or broken teeth or to lighten up your smile , cosmetic dentistry can give you the confidence you deserve. Here is a closer look at the surprising ways cosmetic dentistry can change your life.

Improve Your Dental Health

Many people seek cosmetic dentistry because they want to enjoy the smile they knew and loved in the past once again. Your teeth are not invincible, and there are many situations that might leave you with chips, cracks, or full on breaks. If your teeth need to be fixed, talk to your dentist about the many cosmetic dentistry procedures that are available. From dental crowns to porcelain veneers, there are all kinds of treatments that can improve the appearance of your teeth—and as an added bonus, many of these restorative treatments can also help to improve your dental health.

Brighten Your Smile

Your teeth don’t have to be damaged for you to benefit from cosmetic dentistry. Even if you simply want to whiten your teeth, your dentist can help. Years of drinking coffee and wine, smoking cigarettes, or eating intensely colored foods can stain your teeth, but teeth whitening treatment can reverse the discoloration. Although teeth whitening kits are typically available in drug stores and supermarkets, the techniques that your dentist will use can be much more effective.

Enjoy Newfound Confidence

A fuller, brighter smile will immediately impact your appearance, and this will also make an immediate impact on your mood. Covering a broken front tooth with a veneer or undoing years of discoloration can truly change your life. If you were embarrassed to smile beforehand, you will have a reason to show off your healthy and beautiful teeth after treatment.

If it’s time to change your life with cosmetic dentistry in Chicago, contact the professionals at University Associates in Dentistry. From porcelain veneers to dentures and periodontics, we are happy to offer a range of cosmetic dentistry treatments. Give us a call at (312) 704-5511 or visit our website to learn more about us.

University Associates in Dentistry