The Link Between Acidic Foods and Your Dental Health

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The Link Between Acidic Foods and Your Dental Health

Taking care of your oral health has many facets to it, and your nutrition is an important one. Acidic foods can have a negative impact on your teeth, but you can protect yourself by knowing what you should and shouldn’t eat. You can also work with your dentist to minimize the damage and maintain your beautiful smile. Here’s a look at the link between acidic foods and dental health.

What’s Going On

Certain types of foods and beverages are more acidic than others, and the acids in these products can wear away your tooth enamel. Any acidic food debris left on your enamel can trigger demineralization, which can make your teeth more sensitive. The more demineralization occurs, the closer your dentin will get to being exposed. Remember that brushing your teeth immediately after eating acidic foods can be counterproductive, so drink some water and wait a few minutes before you brush your teeth after a meal.

Which Foods to Be Careful With

If you’re looking to modify your diet so you can keep your dentist happy and your teeth healthy, you should know what foods to stay away from. Ketchup, hot sauce, and products made with tomatoes are acidic, as are lemons, limes, and oranges. Wine and coffee can also wear away at your enamel and cause sensitivity and discomfort. Enjoy these foods, but try to eat them in moderation.

What You Can Do

You don’t have to avoid these foods entirely in order to take care of your oral health. Foods like citrus fruits and berries can be good for you, so you might want to keep them in your diet. Remember to drink water while you eat these types of foods and let your saliva clean out the acidity. Visiting your dentist for regular cleanings can also help to keep you healthy.

In addition to avoiding (or at least cutting back) certain types of foods and drinking plenty of water, be sure to visit your dentist in Chicago on a routine basis. Don’t forget to call University Associates in Dentistry at (312) 704-5511 whenever you are in need of teeth bonding, periodontics, or Invisalign, or stop by our offices to meet with us.

Recognizing the Importance of Dental Consultations

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Dental consultations are different from dental checkups and cleanings. If you have a concern or question about your dental health or a procedure, then you can schedule a complimentary dental consultation with your dentist. This appointment is a personal meeting to ensure that you are completely informed of your options. Continue reading to see why dental consultations are important.

You can ask questions.
If you have questions about dental procedures, your dental health or dental care, then a consultation is the best way to have them answered. A dental consultation is focused on providing as much information for you to make an informed decision about your dental care. During your consultation, your dentist will provide answers, but he will also ask leading questions to understand your concerns. This is a necessary interaction to ensure that you can receive the best and most comprehensive care.

You can learn about procedures.
You can learn about all of the available procedures to address your concerns during your dental consultation. For example, you may think that missing teeth cannot be fixed, but you will find out about dental crowns, teeth implants, and dental bridges during a consultation. There are several procedures that can address a multitude of dental concerns, so book a dental consultation soon to find out which procedure is right for you.

You can receive dental care tips.
Another crucial element of a dental consultation is learning more about at-home dental care. Your dentist can give you different resources, products, and strategies to address your daily dental care. For example, your dentist can show you the proper way to brush and floss your teeth to ensure that your teeth are healthy. Your dentist may also have samples of toothpastes or mouthwashes that you can try. These care tips and samples are necessary to keep your teeth strong and your gums healthy.

Call University Associates in Dentistry at (312) 704-5511 to book a complimentary dental consultation in Chicago. Our dentists are dedicated to giving you the most up-to-date information and care to address your concerns.

How the DEXIS CariVu Works

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The DEXIS CariVu is an innovative tool that allows dentists to identify caries in a patient’s teeth and jawbone without using X-rays. This portable device uses infrared light instead of radiation, so it can be used as an alternative to X-rays for patients who do not want to be exposed to any level of radiation. It can also be used in combination with X-rays to help identify areas of decay. In this video, several dentists explain why the DEXIS CariVu has become so invaluable to their work with patients.

If you’re in need of a dentist in Chicago , call University Associates in Dentistry at (312) 704-5511 to schedule an appointment. Our general dentists use state-of-the-art equipment to provide our patients with the best quality care possible.

Spotlight on Dental Care in the Early 1900s

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Modern dentistry provides people with comfortable dental care and a wide range of treatment options. Today, patients benefit from a variety of pain management options, cosmetic dentistry treatments, and restorative options for missing teeth when they visit their dentist. Have you ever wondered about early dental care? If so, then you should know that the first decade of the 20th century was an exciting time for dentistry.

The early 1900s was a period of rapid development for dental care. Electric power allowed dentists to treat cavities with powered drills for the first time, and porcelain dental crowns came about. Also, patient comfort improved drastically with the development of Novocain, and an improved amalgam plus standardized filling procedures upgraded the process for treating cavities.

The team of experienced and compassionate dentists at University Associates in Dentistry offers a broad range of services to keep your smile healthy and beautiful. To schedule your appointment with one of our general dentists in Chicago , please call (312) 704-5511.

Spotlight on Dental History: The Ebers Papyrus

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The history of dental care and cosmetic dentistry can be traced back to some of the world’s oldest civilizations. When archeologists unearthed the Ebers Papyrus in the 1800s, they unveiled the oldest and most comprehensive source of Egyptian medical knowledge that had been found to date. The Ebers Papyrus contains hieroglyphics that explain some of the most important Egyptian medical remedies. Dental remedies were among the various types of medical information that scholars were able to translate from the papyrus. Through the Ebers Papyrus, it has been confirmed that Egyptian society had an advanced understanding of health and medicine.

When you receive dental implants from University Associates in Dentistry, you can rest assure that your dental implants * will be crafted from the latest techniques and materials. Our dentists are committed to staying up to date on today’s cosmetic dentistry innovations. For more information about how we can help you fix your missing teeth, call us at (312) 704-5511.

The Link Between Smoking and Your Oral Health

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The Link Between Smoking and Your Oral Health

Smoking has been linked to a variety of serious oral health conditions. When you go to this site , you will take a brief look at the link between smoking and your oral health. By quitting smoking, you can reduce your risk of oral cancer, periodontal disease, and tooth discoloration. Your dentist can provide you with additional details about the affect that smoking has on your teeth and smile.

When you are seeking a reputable dentist in Chicago , look no further than University Associates in Dentistry. Whether you need a general dentist or a cosmetic dentist that can provide you with dental implants, you will be able to schedule your procedure at our office. Give us a call at (312) 704-5511 to make your next dental appointment today.

Picking the Perfect Cosmetic Dentistry Procedure

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(Before: left, After: right)

Cosmetic dentistry continues to become more and more popular as people experience life-changing results, and advances in technology make treatments safer and more predictable. If you want to make a change but you’re not sure what’s best for you, feel free to meet with your dentist for a consultation. Read on for some insight.

Consider What You Want

Before you even consider the options that cosmetic dentistry has to offer, think about what you hope to change. Do you want a brighter smile? Do you have a gap in your teeth that you would like to close? Once you have identified the cosmetic factor that you would like to change, you can talk to your dentist to discuss your options and choose the best plan to achieve your goals.

Understand Your Options

Dental implants, porcelain veneers, and teeth whitening treatments are just a few examples of the many treatments that exist within the realm of cosmetic dentistry, and it helps to get to know them. Dental implants replace missing teeth, so they stand to benefit you in countless different ways. Porcelain veneers and teeth whitening treatments can both lead to a brighter, healthier looking smile, but porcelain veneers can also close gaps between your teeth and cover blemishes or imperfections. Every cosmetic dentistry treatment has certain pros and cons that you can learn about before you and your dentist decide what’s best for you.

Ask for Advice

Although your dentist will always be your best resource when you have questions or concerns about cosmetic dentistry procedures, he or she is not the only one with answers. You can also talk to friends who have undergone these treatments or learn about them online so you know what to expect. Keep in mind, however, that your dentist’s opinion should hold the most weight.

Cosmetic dentistry in Chicago and anywhere else can help you with aesthetic issues as well as oral health complications, but only your dentist will understand exactly which treatment is right for your needs. Check our website or call University Associates in Dentistry at (312) 704-5511 to set up a dental consultation.

Tips for Preventing Cosmetic Dental Problems

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Dentists are always willing to part with a few tips and suggestions to keep their patients’ oral health in good shape. Several of these tips can also address many patients’ cosmetic concerns about the look and color of their teeth and mouth.

Tip #1: Avoid staining foods and liquids.

One of the leading causes of discolored teeth is the various foods and liquids that can cause staining. Tea, wine, soda, and coffee regularly are the primary cause teeth staining. Berries, such as blueberries and blackberries, are also foods that commonly stain teeth. If consuming these foods and liquids regularly, drink plenty of water and/or brush your teeth after you have eaten.

Tip #2: Refrain from smoking.

Smoking cigarettes and chewing tobacco should be avoided at all costs to reduce cosmetic dental problems, as well as oral and dental health issues. Over an extended period of use, patients will notice their teeth begin to yellow and may even turn brown. This can easily be avoided by refraining from smoking.

Tip #3: Prepare during contact sports.

To avoid potentially cracked or dislodged teeth, patients should be mindful of their dental health during contact sports. In sports dentistry, patients are recommended to wear a custom mouth guard while playing football, hockey, and other contact sports. If a patient is hit in the mouth, he or she should visit a dentist to ensure there are no dental problems.

Tip #4: Practice good oral hygiene.

In addition to the previous tips, patients should always practice a strong, daily dental routine. By brushing at least twice a day and flossing once a day, patients can help negate daily staining effects brought on by foods and drinks. These daily practices also help prevent periodontal issues that might affect the teeth and gums.

Call University Associates in Dentistry at (312) 704-5511 to learn more about our cosmetic dentistry in Chicago. Our dentists and staff can recommend several cosmetic procedures , such as teeth whitening and porcelain veneers, to address all of our patients’ concerns.

Surprising Ways Cosmetic Dentistry Can Change Your Life

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Surprising Ways Cosmetic Dentistry Can Change Your Life

Everybody needs a change once in a while, and cosmetic dentistry might be just what you’re looking for. Whether you are looking to address chipped or broken teeth or to lighten up your smile , cosmetic dentistry can give you the confidence you deserve. Here is a closer look at the surprising ways cosmetic dentistry can change your life.

Improve Your Dental Health

Many people seek cosmetic dentistry because they want to enjoy the smile they knew and loved in the past once again. Your teeth are not invincible, and there are many situations that might leave you with chips, cracks, or full on breaks. If your teeth need to be fixed, talk to your dentist about the many cosmetic dentistry procedures that are available. From dental crowns to porcelain veneers, there are all kinds of treatments that can improve the appearance of your teeth—and as an added bonus, many of these restorative treatments can also help to improve your dental health.

Brighten Your Smile

Your teeth don’t have to be damaged for you to benefit from cosmetic dentistry. Even if you simply want to whiten your teeth, your dentist can help. Years of drinking coffee and wine, smoking cigarettes, or eating intensely colored foods can stain your teeth, but teeth whitening treatment can reverse the discoloration. Although teeth whitening kits are typically available in drug stores and supermarkets, the techniques that your dentist will use can be much more effective.

Enjoy Newfound Confidence

A fuller, brighter smile will immediately impact your appearance, and this will also make an immediate impact on your mood. Covering a broken front tooth with a veneer or undoing years of discoloration can truly change your life. If you were embarrassed to smile beforehand, you will have a reason to show off your healthy and beautiful teeth after treatment.

If it’s time to change your life with cosmetic dentistry in Chicago, contact the professionals at University Associates in Dentistry. From porcelain veneers to dentures and periodontics, we are happy to offer a range of cosmetic dentistry treatments. Give us a call at (312) 704-5511 or visit our website to learn more about us.

Exploring Some Lesser Known Facts About Oral Health and Dentistry

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Did you know that the rise of dental technology and knowledge of the importance of oral health is a significant contributor to the increase in the life expectancy of humans over the past 200 years? Your dental health may be more important than you realize, which is why it is essential to maintain regular appointments with your dentist to keep your teeth clean and sparkling. Below you can learn about more of the interesting and lesser known facts of your oral health that may motivate you to get to the dentist’s office.

Nearly 75% of Americans suffer from gum disease.
Despite the many advances that have taken place in dentistry over the past several decades, there are still about 3 in 4 American adults with some form of gum disease. One of the biggest contributors to this statistic is poor at-home care. While the recommended guideline for brushing is 2-3 minutes twice daily, most people only spend 48 seconds brushing their teeth each day. Improper flossing may also be to blame, as many adults do not floss enough or floss correctly, so plaque and tartar are allowed to build up between the teeth.

About 300 different bacteria species can live in dental plaque.
The human body is crawling with bacteria, many of which are beneficial to your health. Still, there are some not-so-friendly species of bacteria that can do significant damage in the body. 300 such species can live in the plaque on your teeth, which is what makes dental plaque so destructive. Regular flossing and rinsing can keep these bacteria at bay, but they are quick to multiply and return with a more lax oral hygiene routine.

The dental profession is only about 200 years old.
As recently as the 1800s, there was no such thing as a dentist. It was likely that you would visit a blacksmith or barber to address a toothache, which was primarily handled by removing the tooth, and in some cases, replacing it with something else .

Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body.
Tooth enamel is an incredibly durable material, harder than any bone in your body. However, it can still sustain damage from habits like using your teeth to open containers or brushing too hard and wearing down the enamel over time. Because tooth enamel is so strong and functional, efforts have been made to create synthetic teeth in the body, though the science is still a few years off from practical applications in humans.

If you are due for a dental checkup or you need more extensive restorative care to achieve a healthy smile, call University Associates in Dentistry at (312) 704-5511. Our high-tech Chicago practice can care for your smile, whether you are seeking preventive, restorative, or cosmetic services.

University Associates in Dentistry